Content Delivery Developments
Audiovisual media is the most rapidly changing segment of industry. This is impacting on the traditional programme delivery methods of radio and television, both domestic and international. The digital revolution that started about 20 years ago has changed the way media content is produced and also the way it is being consumed. The habits of listeners and viewers - or consumers - have changed dramatically too. Digital delivery - so-called broadband - is widely considered as the leading technology for the future. But there is also other evidence: "Terrestrial broadcasting in many countries is still, and will remain in the future, the main way to guarantee universal access to radio and TV content for fixed, mobile and portable devices. No other single platform can replicate these benefits." This was the conclusion of the experts of the European Broadcasting Union in a debate on radio spectrum policy in 2010. A more recent survey conducted in Europe concluded that media consumers would gain the maximum benefit in the future by the combination of terrestrial transmissions and IP based platforms, offering the full range of all technologies. Hybrid solutions, consisting of radio technologies complemented by broadband services, are expected to be implemented.
Unfortunately, there is no in depth debate yet about the future of international broadcasting. In the present rush to embrace new digital platforms, decision-makers have been moving funding away from terrestrial shortwave broadcasting. Yet they are frequently unaware of the properties of the individual platforms and even of the existence and needs of different segments of their audience.
The palette of technologies used for content distribution has become varied and the number of ways of delivering content keeps increasing. Consumers are unable to make use of them all at a specific point in time. The choice depends increasingly on their context situation, e.g. location, personal preference, social position, availability of a device, etc. It is therefore wrong to exclude one technology - traditional radio broadcasting, for example - just because the funding is limited and there is a rush to embrace new methods of distribution.
Exclusive parts of the radio spectrum have been assigned globally to shortwave broadcasting and they are expected to stay in use as a preferred way of receiving radio content by some listeners. The decrease of wireless distribution of TV, domestic and international broadcasting, and even of printed media does not mean that these distribution methods are threatened with a complete extinction. In specific context situations, such as natural disasters, periods of social unrest, electricity blackouts, deliberate communication shut-downs, or in developing regions, there is no other equally effective alternative to radio distribution.
There is an interesting sideline to the current reduction of radio broadcasting: International broadcast bands are still overloaded and the reductions are in fact improving listening conditions there. Frequencies are not individually allocated, and the vacated channels can be taken up freely and immediately by other users. Some broadcasters have already started enlarging their radio presence and may become very dominant soon. The number of frequencies is limited. In contrast with the Internet a radio channel does not face the constantly growing competition of the vast number of media sources and other Internet attractions.
What's New
[7-Jun-2024] - B24 upload opened. Please review and confirm your contact details prior to uploading the initial version of your B24 data.
[29-May-2024] - Questionnaire on Capacitors - please respond by 15 July 2024. Please, kindly submit the simple form repeatedly for every capacitor type you use.
[26-Feb-2024] - A24 plenary minutes
[5-Feb-2024] - ITU-BR Circular Letter CR/501 containing closing dates for receipt of ITU HFBC A24 and B24 schedules, info on coordination meetings in 2024/2025, IRDR and the new eHFBC platform
[28-Dec-2023] - IMPORTANT: New requirement for foreign citizens entering Malaysia effective January 1, 2024
[11-Dec-2023] - A24 upload opened. Please review and confirm your contact details prior to uploading the initial version of your A24 data.
[13-Nov-2023] - A24 registration and hotel booking opened on the A24 Conference Webpage in the Member's Area
[13-Nov-2023] - eHFBC - new ITU online platform for HF broadcasting
[30-Oct-2023] - B23 GOE report
[20-Oct-2023] - B23 plenary minutes
[9-Oct-2023] - B23 operational data snapshot
[10-Aug-2023] - Follow up on the questionnaire on transmitter tubes and table by CPI
[8-Aug-2023] - B23 initial tentative data snapshot
[26-May-2023] - Encompass Digital Media Ltd are broadcasting Democratic Voice of Burma (DVOB) 1230-1300 UTC (daily) from Dhabayya utilising IRDR frequency 21840kHz transmitting from 29th May for approximately 1 month, providing special programming to Myanmar in response to the recent cyclone
[20-May-2023] - Sad news about Tom Lucey
[5-May-2023] - Summary of the questionnaire on transmitter tubes. The Questionnaire remains open for further responses
[5-May-2023] - Steps to apply for standard (non-ETA) visa added to the B23 webpage
[1-May-2023] - Encompass Digital Media Ltd are broadcasting Agricultural Voices Syria 0300-0330 UTC (weekdays) from Dhabayya utilising IRDR frequency 11840kHz transmitting from 24th April for 2 weeks of special programming educating farmers on how to grow and manage crops within the disaster zone
[9-Mar-2023] - Deadline for answering the Questionnaire on Transmitter Tubes has been extended
[1-Mar-2023] - A23 GOE report
[28-Feb-2023] - A23 plenary minutes